VMware tc Server


VMware tc Server — Standard Edition

Congratulations! You have successfully setup and started VMware tc Server. You are ready to go!

Site Administrators

This is the default VMware tc Server Runtime home page. It is located on the local filesystem at:


where $TC_RUNTIME_INSTANCE_HOME is the root of the tc Runtime instance directory.


Not a site administrator?

If you are seeing this page and you are not a site administrator that means that you have probably reached this page in error. It could indicate that the address you entered is incorrect or this web site is misconfigured.

If you believe this site is misconfigured you will need to contact the site administrators. VMware does not host this website and can not assist with any inquiries unless you are the site administrator.


VMware tc Server Standard Edition
VMware tc Runtime 9.0.63.A.RELEASE
© 2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.